The Australian Fishmeal Company

Fish Meal Aquaculture Industry

Fishmeal in Aquaculture Industry

Fishmeal is a nutrient rich animal feed made up of wild caught and small marine fish having high percentages of nutrients. Aquaculture is the aquafarming of fish, crustaceans, mollusks and aquatic plants to meet the increasing demand. The significant growth of the aquaculture industry during the forecast period is propelling the fishmeal production level. 

Aquaculture industry may be of different types depending upon the hydro biological features, motive of farming and special operational techniques. Following are the few important Aquaculture industries where fishmeal is used: 

  • Mari culture: aquaculture of mollusks and other sea animal species.
  • Aquaculture: Aquaculture of algae.
  • Fish farming: most important part of aquaculture to produce selective breeding of fish.
  • Inland Pond Culture: it involves fresh water ponds for culturing fish.

The most important reason to use fishmeal in the aquaculture industry is the amino acid profile which makes it a perfect protein supplement. Rising Fishmeal demand plays a significant role in increasing the number of fishmeal manufacturers and suppliers.


In the past, pelagic fish species were caught and subjected to a wet rendering process and factories producing fishmeal run continuously when fish are being landed. Fishmeal is also produced from the byproducts and left behind to dissipate from fish processing industries. In the early years of 21 century, seafood became a luxury and foremost food. With increase in demand of seafood, not only the aquaculture industry flourish but also brings a huge challenge to produce fishmeal in bulk by any fishmeal exporter. As a result, the cost of high quality fishmeal containing 65% protein ranged from $385-$554 per ton since the year 2000, which is 2.0-3.5 times the price of soybean meal.


  • Including fishmeal in animal diets increased feed efficiency and growth rate, enhanced nutrient uptake, digestion and palatability.
  • Supreme quality fishmeal contains all the essential amino acids, phospholipids and fatty acids (DHA, docosahexaenoic acid and EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid) for balanced growth and reproduction.
  • Fishmeal contains 60%-72% crude protein by weight. Proteins have amino acids (essential that animals cannot synthesize in their body) which makes it a perfect diet.
  • Due to the high digestibility property of fishmeal, most of its contents are being digested by the animals as a result it helps to reduce pollution of wastewater effluents.
  • Fishmeal manufacturers made it in a way that helps to promote the aquaculture’s feed efficiency and optimal growth.
  • Lipid materials, present in fishmeal, helps in the development of cell membranes that help protect the cells from the dramatic pressure changes that fish encounter at varying depths in the water column.
  • Fishmeal manufacturers prepare it in the way that it contains antioxidants which decrease the damage caused by the toxins which are continuously produced by aquatic animals.
  • The lipids in fishmeal are easily digested by all animals especially by fish, shrimp, poultry, pigs etc. in these animals the lipid digestibility is more than 90%. If the digestibility of fishmeal would not be good, the animals have to break down the proteins to take energy.
  • Fishmeal is regarded to have a comparatively better source of B-complex vitamins, particularly niacin, pantothenic acid, cobalamin (B12), choline, as well as riboflavin. Fishmeal producers are aware of such nutrient values of such feed materials.
  • Effective utilization of fish meal in the functional aquaculture industry to limit food prices, which would account for approximately 40% or more of the operational costs.

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